Unlike American viewers, the UK has only just got access to the second season of Californication. Last week Fiver began showing the second season.
Everyone needs a bit of Duchonvy
I'm a bit of a fan of the actor, so once again having a weekly dose of him suits me just fine.
If you're easily offended don't watch this series. It'll save people like me from hearing your ranting and raving.
Anyway the series is about a writer, Hank Moody, who moves to California from New York, and finds that his writer's block and personal relations can only get worse as time moves on.
Why watch it?
Well if you enjoy watching series with characters whose lives are far more complicated than your own, you'll want to give this a go. My main endorsement is that this show is its extremely adult nature, I'm not just talking sex, I mean sex, booze and drugs and uneasy relations.
The series tends to be well written and has some class acting. I always like how it's plotted out.
Catch it
Watch it on Fiver, on Thursday at 10pm, and repeated Sunday at 10pm.
Related links
Official Showtime site for series
Fiver site for series
Wiki entry
I like David Duchonvy. Look forward to watching this series..