Friday, 26 March 2010

John Hicklenton passes away (1967-2010)

This week
The comic book world mourns the passing of British comic book artist John Hicklenton (aka John Deadstock) one of the many inkers and pencillers to work on 2000 AD's Judge Dredd over the years.  Having been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2000, John decided to end his life on 19th March (last Friday) at the Swiss based Dignitas clinic.

John's work spanned from the late 1980s until the time of his death, and was not just on the Judge Dredd comics.  John's agent, Adrian Weston, in an interview with the BBC said that John was a, "clear sighted and visionary person."  He was well known for his horrific and grotesque art style.  And according to reports, completed his final book 100 Months the day before he travelled to the Dignitas clinic.

Outside of comics
John led a strong campaign to raise awareness of MS including starring in a documentary called Here's Johnny in 2008.  The documentary took seven years to make and was screened on More4 in 2009.

Related links
BBC article on Hicklenton's death
Wiki entry on the artist
More4 overview of Here's Johnny
2000 AD's website
Forum thread on 2000 AD forums announcing John's passing

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